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December 2014

Meshmixer 2.7 Makes it Easier to 3D Print Multiple Objects

Meshmixer 2.7 is now available and it makes it easier to 3D print multiple objects. Unlike a traditional paper printer that will print as many copies as paper and toner fit in the machine, a 3D printer usually only makes one copy. With Meshmixer 2.7 it is now easy to layout multiple objects for printing in one shot.

Autodesk Meshmixer 2.7

From the View menu, users can now display the print bed in the modeling workspace to get a better idea of the proportion and orientation of their models relative to their printer.

Autodesk Meshmixer Print Bed

With multiple objects selected, users can then take advantage of the new Layout tool to automatically position the objects on the print bed. To duplicate an object, select the object in the Object Browser (accessible from the View menu) and press the duplicate button in the lower right next to the garnage can. 

With the objects to layout selected, select the Analysis tool followed by Layout/Packing.

Autodesk Meshmixer Layout

The Layout tool lets you specify the distance between objects.

It's also possible to analyse objects to determine the distance between them. With two objects selected, from the Analysis tool, select the Cleaance option. If there are any polygons with the tolerance you've set you will see them highlighted in the viewport. Clicking on the spherical manipulator associated with the polygons will select them if you want to modify them.

Autodesk Meshmixer Clearance
Similar to the Clearance tool is a new Deviation tool that can e useful when comparing two versions of a model, for example the original and reduced versions. 

In terms of meshmixing, there is now the option to do a boolean subtract or add when part dropping which helps to make some more interesting shapes with fewer steps.

Autodesk Meshmixer Subtract

When generating custom supports, it is now possible to add your own horizontal supports with a click/drag workflow. Horizontal supports can help to give extra support to extreme overhangs or when removing parts of a support that may be difficult to remove after printing. Removing supports is now easier as well. A ctrl click removes an entire support above the click point. A shift+ctrl click removes only the segment clicked on as indicated by the color.

Autodesk Meshmixer Horizontal Support

More details on the updates in Meshmixer 2.7 are available on the forum. If you're technically inclined, you may want to check out the Scripting and API possibilities with the 2.7 Meshmixer release.



Pictures from Autodesk University 2014

Here are a couple pictures of things the Autodesk Research team is talking about at Autodesk University. There's one more chance to come by the booth and find out more today.

Autodesk Research at Autodesk University

Autodesk Research Bicycle Frame Autodesk University

Autodesk Research Draco Autodesk University

Autodesk Research Cyborg Autodesk University


Autodesk Research Motorcycle Swingarm Autodesk University

Hy-Fi by The Living at Autodesk University

Here's where you can find us on the Autodesk University Exhibit Floor. We'll be there from 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Autodesk Research at Autodesk University

Also spotted in the Registration Hall:

Autodesk Research Autodesk University

For those not at Autodesk University, feel free to hit us up with some questions here!

Autodesk Research at Biofabricate Conference

Autodesk is sponsoring the Biofabricate conference in New York on December 4, 2014. This is the world’s first summit dedicated to biofabrication for future industrial and consumer products. Biofabrication comprises highly disruptive technologies enabling design and manufacturing to intersect with the building blocks of life. Computers can now read and write with DNA. This is a world where bacteria, yeast, fungi, algae and mammalian cells grow and shape sustainable new materials.


The event aims to answer a number of questions, including:

  • What is biodesign and biofabrication?
  • What are the enabling technologies?

Carlos Olguin from the Autodesk Research Bio/Nano/Programmable Matter group will speak in the Engineering Nature session followed by Danil Nagy of The Living speaking in the Cultured Technology session.