Question marks, light bulbs and the Autodesk Research blog
Autodesk Screencast: From Idea to UI Research to Project Chronicle to You

Come see Autodesk Research at SIGGRAPH 2014 in Vancouver

The Autodesk Research team will be attending and presenting at SIGGRAPH 2014 in Vancouver.

We have the following talks scheduled:

Pteromys: Interactive Design and Optimization of Free-Formed Free-Flight Model Airplanes: Interactive techniques for designing original hand-launched free-flight glider airplanes that can actually fly. Based on a compact aerodynamics model, a design tool allows users to interactively optimize wing configuration to maximize flight-worthiness.

Tuesday, 12 August 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM | Vancouver Convention Centre, East Building, Ballroom B-C

Autodesk Research Publication on 3d Printing Support Structures

Branching Support Structures for 3D Printing: To 3D print a complex shape, a support structure is needed. Printing this support structure wastes time and material. We minimize this waste by generating a novel branching support structure which takes into account both the geometry of the model, and the properties of the printing process.

Tuesday, 12 August 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM | Vancouver Convention Centre, West Building, Rooms 116-117 



Sensitivity-Optimized Rigging for Example-Based Real-Time Clothing Synthesis: A predict-then-blend scheme for data-driven real-time clothing animation that can produce realistic wrinkles. The prediction model is developed based on sensitivity analysis, and its implementation is as simple as rigging technique.

Wednesday, 13 August 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM | Vancouver Convention Centre, East Building, Ballroom B-C

Position-Based Elastic Rods: Efficiently simulate complex bending and twisting of elastic rods using position-based dynamics. Our formulation is highly efficient, capable of simulating hundreds of strands in real-time.

Wednesday, 13 August 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Vancouver Convention Centre, West Building, Rooms 109-110

Get your hands on Draco, our project exploring animation for illustration! 

We'll be showing Draco as a SIGGRAPH Studio Project. Come by the Studio Sunday through Thursday to see it live and even try it for yourself. Draco allows users to sketch objects and their motions using familiar digital illustration techniques. Motion created with Draco enriches the picture and allows for new possibilities in storytelling.  

Maya, 3ds Max and General Media & Entertainment Industry Discussions

Our colleagues in the Media & Entertainment group will be showing off 3ds Max and Maya. Along with that they'll be discussing industry trends in Design, Film and Games and the trends they see. For educators, there will be a breakfast to meet and discuss these things and more. You can get the full details and register on the Autodesk Area SIGGRAPH 2014 event page.

Whatever you're interest, please say hello!


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